The calculation of hangpoints to the airframe:
- Komentarz
- GRS 4/240 SOFT
- GRS 6-375 SD
- GRS 5/450
- GRS 6/473 SD Napkin
- GRS 6-473 SD Napkin /H
- GRS 6-473 SD DULV
- GRS 6-473 SD Speedy
- GRS 6-473 SD speedy-H
- GRS 5/560 Gyro
- GRS 560
- GRS 6-600 SD
- GRS 6-600 SD Speedy FF
- GRS 6-650SD
- GRS 6-750 SDS
- GRS 6-840 SDS
- GRS 6-960 SDS
- GRS 6-1200 SDS
- GRS 6/1200-1390 SDS FF56
- GRS 6-1640 SDS/FF
- GRS 6/375 SD Speedy/H
- GRS 4/225 SOFT
- GBS 10/650
- GBS 10/650 Speedy
- GRS 3/450
- GRS 6/600SD DULV
- GRS 6/1750-1950 SDS FF
- GRS 6/1640-1750 SDS FF
- GRS 6/1420-1640 SDS FF
- GRS 6/600 SD DAeC
Commentary to the graphic solution.
- Area between red curve 1 and blue curve 2 or 3 expresses characteristic of chosen GRS type or its canopy. It limits borders of its canopy usability considering maximum or minimum figure of aircraft speed VNE, its weight MTOW and extent of arised dynamic force caused during opening.
- Green curve 2 limits optimal rate between aircraft weight MTOW/kg and its speed VNE/km/h.,red curve 1 in its biggest tested load and blue curve 2 or 3 in its highest allowed speed.
- Each of mentioned curves at the same time determine the force in kN effecting on attachment points and hanging slings,or hanging cables in cosequent rate,which corresponds with generally worldwide valid principles for installation of rescue systems and with ammendment of the LAA Czech Republic regulation ,UL-2 requirements of flight airworthiness SLZ,ULA.
a) The force for hang point strength calculation for each front main hang points (considering using 2 front hang points) and their connecting parts is equal to: Value (dynamic shock-axis y(kN) with respect to the aircraft speed - axis x(km/h)) * 1,15 (safety coef.) = resulting force for each of two hang points.
In case of one main front hang point, this value (dynamic shock) must be multiplied by 1,5.
b) The force for hang point strength calculation for each rear (stabilizing) hang point (considering using 1 or 2 rear hang points) and their connecting parts is equal to: Value (dynamic shock-axis y(kN) with respect to the aircraft speed - axis x(km/h)) * 1,15 (safety coef.) /2 = resulting force for each rear hang point.
After calculation – strength of each rear hang sling is equal to 50% strength of the each front hang sling (considering using 2 front hang points).
Calculated minimum strengths of the hang points must also be applied for hang system elements (belts,cables)